We are a unit of the Republican party in Maricopa County (Maricopa County Republican Committee, MCRC) and of the Republican Party of Arizona (RPAZ or AZGOP). We often refer to ourselves as “LD10” or “LD10 Republicans”. The Arizona Constitution defines that there shall be 30 legislative districts from which one senator and two representatives are elected to the state legislature.

Membership in this organization is defined by our Bylaws and those of the county and state (bylaws are available elsewhere on this site). Members must generally be elected or appointed.

Precinct Committeemen/Women

Per Arizona Revised Statue 16-821/822, or appointed Associate Precinct Committeemen/women by the LD10 Chairman.

We often refer to our members as “PC”s.

We are dedicated to the advancement of conservative principles in Arizona government, local and state, and in Arizona society in general.

The Conservative Principles We Stand For

Individual Freedom

We believe in the inalienable rights defined by the Declaration of Independence: Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We further profess the priority of Faith, Family, and Freedom (in that order).

Limited Government

We live by the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Arizona and expect all others to do the same. These Constitutions define the limits of government on its citizens, not the other way around (per 10th Amendment).

Government operates only by the consent of the governed. We believe government should only provide for things citizens cannot otherwise do for themselves. We support our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. We believe that governments should minimize the taxation of its citizens. Nonetheless, every level of government must balance its budget so that expenses do not exceed income. Failure to do so will eventually result in a degeneration of the economy and failure of government.

The Rule of Law

As John Adams said, we must be “a government of laws, not of men”. Each branch of government must operate according first to both U.S. & AZ Constitutions, and then to state and local statute. Transparency and accountability are absolute keys to good government.

Peace Through Strength

We support our military in providing our “common defense." We support our local police and first responders in providing for our safety.

Free Markets

We believe in the efficiency and innovation that comes from free market operation. Governments should not select technologies for its citizens, nor define which technologies they can or cannot use. There is a necessary balance between free markets and government regulation but only as necessary to protect the citizens from harm.

Human Dignity

Because all men and women are created equal and in the image of God, every human life has inestimable dignity and value which government cannot dissipate and must not remove. Every person in dignity must be measured by the content of their character, not by their race, color, sex, or origins. Life begins at conception and ends at natural death. Families are the primary institutions for raising and educating children resulting in a healthy society. Marriage consists of one man and one woman joined under God.

We summarize these core principles using 3 words (in order of priority):





To bring people in our communities together, regardless of their district boarders. To uplift and elevate the next generation through education, decorum, and conversations.


To cultivate, collaborate, and restore our conservative values through leadership, education, engagement, in effort to rebuild the American Dream.

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